Good day, it is 24. 11. 2024, Sunday in 47. week.
Frantisek Korbel
Please I work as a webmaster of this web and you can use email to contact me with anything related to our progress:
- ideas for website improvement
- inviting new neighbours
- anything useful.
Please beside this web I created for Nabuur villages:
- - Rain water harvesting for irrigation and drinking
- - Education Center in Oyoko, Ghana
- - Bitame Lucia Nursery and Primary School in Nkolfoulou, Cameroon
and other webs are listed on
Please my practice include First Aid Basics freeware, that was included to many software archives and on CD/DVD by several magazines:
- - homepage and download
Please my hometown is Bratislava in Slovakia (EU).
English: English Alphabet, English letters
Mathematics: Arithmetics training, Chess, Chess and mathematics
Chemistry: Actinoids, Lanthanoids, Multiplication table, Periodic table of chemical elements
Geography: Capitals of Indian states and union territories, India, Koli, Koliyankulam, Map of Tamil Nadu Indian cities: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Surat
Languages: Language, Tamil language, Sanskrit
Evening School project in India
School: Evening school 2007 - 2008, Evening school in 2009, Evening school in 2011, Evening school in 2013
Students: Dinesh Rajas, Mariya Jesu Raj, Mickel Annad Anuja, Ronial student, Sudarmani Sundar
Partners: HELP organization, Nabuur, Partners
Promotion: Donation, Link exchange, News Stories, Video, Webshop